Resently I became officially a mother! The amount of things I came to realise by this gift is bigger than I could ever imagine, as it is the happiness that this tiny human brought to our family! First of all I could never imagine how babies can brought out the best in people, especially the ones you would not expected it from! Most people I ecounter on the street light up when they see my little one and its a marvelous thing to observe! Then I realised that weirdly enough the most people that really light up seeing us and the ones that wanted to interact was men! That onservation troubled me at first because I would expect that, as the nurturers, women would be the ones to take interest in a baby. How dreadful the realisation that we women are so brainwashed to the extend that we reject the greatest gift that has been given to us; to create life! I am really devastated observing in real time what I’ ve been saspecting!
The biggest falure of ‘education’ is making people overthink things so profound as starting a family and feminism came to back it up! I despite the modern thinking so much because of this… Who thought that was so smarter to reject something so