- Antonios Georgantis
- Total Decs: 149
- Fellows: 32
Referring to my fellow North Americans, get out there and vote!
It is your rightful right to do so as stated in the 15th Ammendment to the United States Constitution.
With your vote you influence your country's and kind of the world's outcome for the upcoming 4 years, in regards of worldwide politics, economy, censorship, freedom and etc.
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
3 Lights
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2 Judgements
1 Espousals
judged 2 months, 1 week ago...
It’s not just their right, it is their duty!
2 Lights
0 Darks
0 Ripostes
judged 2 months, 1 week ago...
Vote, so you don't have excuses! Take part in the result, be responsible. Go out there and vote! Fight for freedom and prosperity.
1 Lights
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0 Ripostes